Bodybuilding Supplements Facts Creatine

Can Creatine Supplements Increase Bodybuilding Mass

The Simple Facts

As people train out on a regular basis in the gym, their body’s begin to find it hard to recover, so we need the help of supplements to help repair and recover from the stress of training. Find out just ‘what’s’ on offer and how they can help!

Creatine is the world’s number one supplement…Ever!

Tested, and trusted by millions of people from all over the word, creatine is guaranteed to increase muscle mass and strength gain without any side-effects.

Find out ‘Why’ you should be taking this supplement if you train to improve your fitness, bodybuilding, or strength lift with weights.

This supplement will deliver results!

Watch this video and judge for yourself

To read more about Creatine or watch more video reviews on other important and helpful bodybuilding suplements View Here!

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Could The Supplement Omega-3 Fish Oil Trigger Prostate Cancer

Do Omega-3 Supplements - cause Prostate Cancer

 If you Are Serious About Building Muscle Then You NEED to Read This…

A supplement that’s taken by millions of people from all around the world, and has become a leading product in the fight against heart disease, high blood pressure, as anti-inflammatory properties, etc, as just come under fire by some very interesting and gradable research.

Omega-3 fatty acids (Supplements) are now under suspicion, as new research results have found they may increase the risk of high-grade prostate disease by 71%. Taking Omega-3 Supplements‘ was also associated with a 44% greater chance of developing low-grade prostate cancer. Overall, the fatty acids raised the risk of all prostate cancers by 43%.

A team from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, Seattle, as given out the following warning…‘There is really no evidence that taking dietary supplements is beneficial to health, and there is increasing evidence that taking high doses is harmful’.

To read the original article please click this link…

If you or someone you know would like to cut through the crap and learn ‘How’ to build huge muscle, get lean, loss fat, diets that work, routines that work etc., then visit my ‘Website‘ NOW and get the help you are looking for…

See you next time…John!!

Carbohydrates And Building Muscles

 What you need to know about carbohydrate

In my experience most, if not all, bodybuilders tend to focus far too much on the amount of protein they have in their daily diet, believing, because that’s what they are told, that protein is the most singular important muscle-building foods, and ignore ‘Carbohydrates’ at their own peril.


What most people tend to be afraid of is because of weight gain, but carbohydrates are very important when training hard and for ‘Protein’ synthesis, more on this subject later. Diets like the ‘The Atkins Diet’, has left lots of people very bewildered over whether or not to eat carbohydrate, which must be bad for you.

The American Dietetic Association also has concerns about the Atkins diet. Gail Frank, PhD, former spokeswoman for the organization and professor of nutrition at California State University in Long Beach, says, “The body needs a minimum of carbohydrates for efficient and healthy functioning — about 150 grams daily.” Below that, normal metabolic activity is disrupted…source

To read to full article please go to…

If you or someone you know are struggling to gain muscle or muscle definition then go  visit my ‘Website‘ …NOW! Where you will find tons of articles on weight training, cardio, weight loss and building huge muscles.